Upcoming SDAPA events open for registration:
04/17/2025 3:15 PM
• Online
05/22/2025 3:15 PM
• Online
06/19/2025 3:15 PM
• Online
10Upcoming meeting dates in 2025: Thursday, April 17, 2025, 3:15pm-5:00pm (Online): Payroll Tx Research Tips and Techniques - Scott Shaperio May 13th - 16th, 2025: 43rd Payroll Congress in Orlando FL. Thursday, May 22, 2025, 3:15pm-5:00pm (Online): Business Continuity - James Hootman Thursday, June 19, 2025, 3:15pm-5:00pm (Online): Government Relations and Payroll - Alice Jacobsohn Thursday, July 17, 2025, Half-day 1:15pm-5:00pm (Online): Employment Tax/Multi-State Employees - Cynthia Vance; Navigating EDD - Mariah & Company October 15th - 17th, 2025: 2025 California Payroll Conference in Long Beach CA. | Be Informed, Be Effective, Be Engaged - become a member of PayrollOrg - |
Greetings to all Payroll and Human Resource Professionals from the members of The San Diego Chapter of the American Payroll Association (SDAPA). Established in 1981 and APA Affiliated in 1993. The SDAPA is dedicated to providing its members with the latest developments in legislation and technology affecting the payroll field. This non-profit organization offers a platform for the open exchange of ideas, information and interests to further enhance the knowledge of payroll professionals. Membership is open to payroll, human resources, and other professional or interested persons concerned with the development, maintenance and operation of payroll. Annual membership is $50.00. Meetings are held once a month, usually on Thursday afternoons, at a central location or online. Guests and non-members are welcome to attend chapter meetings and are required to pay the established fee per meeting. The fees for non-members are $25.00 for regular meetings and $40.00 for half-day meetings. Online payments are available.